Preparing the Workforce to Implement SBIRT through Training, Technical Assistance, and Evaluation
Military SBIRT
There is a critical need to train military health professionals to conduct alcohol screening and brief intervention that embraces the unique culture and needs of military personnel and their families as well as military healthcare settings and health care delivery. NORC at the University of Chicago’s Military SBIRT initiative provided behavioral health and medical professionals serving military personnel and their families with the knowledge, skills, and motivation to:
Routinely screen military personnel and family members for risky alcohol use;
Provide Brief Negotiated Interview (BNI) using Motivational Interviewing (MI) skills for those who screen positive to help them modify risky behavior; and
Facilitate linkages to specialized treatment for patients with complex clinical conditions.
Through federal and foundation funding, NORC in collaboration with various technology and behavioral health partners, developed a suite of training and delivery tools designed specifically for the military making it easy for health professionals to gain these essential skills. Included in these evidence-based tools are an innovative and award winning online interactive training system and guide Military Health Care Professional’s Guide to Alcohol Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment.